How Should I Prepare for a Phone Interview?

You’ve done the hard work of submitting resumes to multiple employers, and now you’ve finally scored an interview. You learn, however, that instead of an in-person interview, you are scheduled for a phone interview. In some ways, a phone interview may be...

Candidate Interview Tips

In your job interview, prospective employers will be evaluating you on many levels from the answers you give to interview questions, to your demeanor, appearance, eye contact and attitude. Here are a few helpful tips that might help you land your perfect job!...

How To Follow Up After a Job Interview

A job interview is an important step on the road to employment. It signifies that a company is interested in your skills and how you can be part of that organization. Whether you ultimately get the position that you applied for or not, it is important that you...

5 Tips to Create an Outstanding Resume

If you are looking for a job, your first goal is to pique the curiosity of an employer. Let’s look at some resume tips that can help you highlight your skills and get employers to schedule interviews. 1. Don’t Make Spelling or Grammar Errors The easiest way to get...

Body Language Tips for Your Next Interview

Landing an interview for a job is a big deal. The people bringing you in for an interview are likely highly interested. The deal isn’t closed, though. You have to perform well in the interview. Here are some tips for improving your interview body language, an...

How a College Degree Can Help You Find a Job

The recession of the 2010s ushered in a job market that has shed many unskilled jobs. Those unskilled jobs haven’t come back in the same numbers that existed prior to 2009. Instead, the market has found ways to eliminate the need for them and replace them with...