Employer Center

We listen to our clients.

Accurate Placement works side-by-side with its business partners identifying only the best and most qualified candidates.

We meet personally with each new client and conduct an on-site assessment to understand the company’s unique requirements. Our reputation for uncovering and attracting the best candidates is unprecedented and we will gladly provide a list of references.

Covers both immediate and long-term needs, whether that is one day or one year. Positions us as the employer of record and we cover all applicable taxes and insurance.


Gives you the opportunity to make an evaluation first-hand before making the final decision.


Delivers bright, intelligent candidates to our client companies for immediate hire with an affordable and unique pricing structure. Let us save you the time-consuming step of sorting through applicants.


Payrolling Services
Positions us as the employer of record while you and the candidate you recruited determine your long-range compatibility.

Please ask us about other areas in which we can assist you.

We have successfully placed thousands of candidates in a variety of industries since 1996.