person typing a resume on their laptopIf you are looking for a job, your first goal is to pique the curiosity of an employer. Let’s look at some resume tips that can help you highlight your skills and get employers to schedule interviews.

1. Don’t Make Spelling or Grammar Errors
The easiest way to get your resume thrown out is to have spelling or grammar errors on a cover letter. Working with a company such as Accurate Placement in Phoenix can help you avoid these and other errors. Accurate Placement can help you find jobs that match your skills and help you write your resume.

2. Don’t Forget Your Contact Information
It is imperative that you include a phone number, email address, or social media handle that an employer can use to schedule an interview. If an employer has no way to reach you, the company will simply move on to another candidate.

3. Use Relevant Keywords and Phrases
Many companies will run resumes through a computer program looking for applications that best match what they are looking for. Relevant keywords could include job titles, the name of a degree, or the specific goods or services that the company provides, all of which should cause a hit when used in one of these programs.

4. Don’t Include Dates
Employers generally aren’t allowed to ask about your age during the hiring process. However, your date of birth or the year that you got a college degree could provide clues as to how old you are. Leaving those dates off a resume may level the playing field a bit for older job seekers.

5. Leave Out Irrelevant Job Experience
Ideally, your resume will be only a page or two in length. Therefore, it is important to only mention prior job experience that is relevant to the position that you are applying to.

If you are looking to get a job, Accurate Placement can help with your employment search. We also offer tools for employers of all sizes that are looking to add quality talent to their professional team. Contact us today.