Here are some areas to consider when reviewing candidate resumes.
1. Location. Review the candidate’s location and notice how far it is from you. Longer commutes can come with issues for some employees, such as more chance of being stuck in traffic, higher vehicle/gas costs, and stress with longer commute time and being farther from family in case of emergency. We hear it a lot, “I really want to be closer to home,” or “the commute is really getting to me.” Certainly there are exceptions, but it is something to consider and discuss with candidates.
2. Job Titles vs. Duties Performed. Most employers are looking for applicants who have held the same job duties/titles as the job they are filling. So while scanning the job titles, review the duties they performed, if it is not apparent from the job title. For example, if you are seeking an Administrative Assistant for a small office, and the resume lists “Receptionist”, check to see if they actually performed duties aligned with Administrative Assistant position. Plus, some companies have unique titles and they can be misleading so you may need to take an extra look at the duties.
3. Job Tenure & Reasons for Leaving. We all see many candidates with short-term jobs on their resumes. Some may have valid reasons why they left, but notice the tenure and scrutinize those reasons if you phone screen or interview the candidate. Did the company close? Did they get laid off (why them and not others?), did they change jobs a lot because they move residences a lot? Did they have “bad” bosses at several positions? Many red flags can come up in the area for reasons for leaving jobs and short tenure, so do not skip checking this.
4. Gaps Between Jobs. Be sure to check for gaps between jobs and ask candidates about those. You may be surprised at the answers. You can simply ask, “Please tell me about this gap between Job A and Job B.”
6. Education. Does the stated education match your job? If the job does not require a special certificate or degree, and you have an applicant whose education far exceeds the job, it may be safe to assume they may not stick around. But also consider new grads, as they are seeking experience and they could be a great employee. And, is a particular level of education needed to advance within your organization? Are advanced degrees or certificates required for any of your positions? Answers to questions like these are unique to each company, so make sure there is a fit with your company’s culture and position.
Copyright © 2020 by Karen Vandehei, Accurate Placement, L.C.